Line image
Owing to the fact that we are ignoring the inactive nature of feeling (lines 2 and 5) we are not in touch with the energy that will feed our outer action; this is neither good nor bad, but has the effect that we act in the outer world without any involvement in replacing this energy from within. We are finishing off an activity, clearing the system of commitment; the outer is active and we accept this (lines 3 and 4) while our inner being (line 6) is not involved in the emerging energy of line 1.
Trigram image
There is little energy to start with (K’an) and this rushes into outer activity (Chên); this rush is stilled by our identity which is not involved in it (Kên) and this forms mature structure in our inner being (Sun). Energy is dissipated or dispersed externally and as no new flow is identified from the emerging life force, our inner being becomes still.
Allowing this dissipation of what we may think of as our main assets, our activities or doing, creates an emptiness, and emptiness is itself creative in allowing new ways of being to enter.
The Chinese Oracle
Dispersing or scattering.Success.The king approaches his temple.It brings advantage to cross the great water,Continuance in the way is rewarded.
The king is our ruler, which for identity is the process of identifying; the temple of the whole process of identifying is where it sacrifices its separateness to the whole, not a physical place but a state of mind in which identifications are given up, sacrificed. The image says that a cycle of our identifying is dispersing and this scattering of our focus is the success our situation offers. To cross the great water is to change our way of being; to cross the mystical river is death and re-birth and across great stretches of water is always a different culture.
Sacrifice is not easy, but we do not approach our temple to ask for the continuance of what we are.
Energyworking against resistanceis dissipated.
If he makes it a taskit is beyond his powers.If he is wise he seeks helpand changes to new ways.
Thunder roars in the lowlandbut is hardly heard up the mountain.
When resistance overcomes activitysystems lose their cohesion;new ones form.
Changing Lines
Line 1 goes yang
life force shows less changeWhen our own life force energies need no expression and have become silent we may follow the tao concerning some need outside ourselves.
He helps with the strengthof a horse.Good fortune
Line 2 goes yin
intuitive feeling more activeFeeling is our first interpretation of the life force, from it we define our reactions and outer actions in the world; here in this tao we are scattering a form of identity so it is counter-productive to turn feeling into attitudes.
Dispersion is occurring.Hurry to protectionand regret disappears.
Feeling is protected if kept within; in sacrificing the formation of an attitude we must hurry because feeling turns into an attitude so quickly we hardly see it turning, if indeed we see it at all. If we can stop in time, regret will disappear because regret is only possible when we have invested in attitudes.
Line 3 goes yang
outer world changes lessOur outer activity naturally wanes in this tao, and it is harmonious to allow it to die away so that we have no goal, no desire to achieve. We will then be empty, ready to allow the inner source to pass through and resonate in us.
He dissolves his self-centreNo regret.
Line 4 goes yang
accepting the outer state lessOur own outer activity is normally directed towards achieving our desires in the world. Here we withdraw from this relationship, it is time to end what we have been doing to make room for something new.
He disperses his grouping.Greatest good fortune.Scattering leads to re-grouping;The ordinary man does not consider this.
The ordinary man is our normal mode of creating a world out of our attitudes, it takes an extraordinary attitude to realize that our being is indestructible and our form one of continual change.
Line 5 goes yin
more awareness of intuitionFeeling is not creating anything and we are living in this state of non-identification more where nothing leads identity and it becomes an awareness of being.
He makes great statements.Perspiring, the king gives his valuables to the people.No error.
The effort is great when the identifying process gives away the right to identify; identity gives up the ownership of what is there; it is a great statement, a great realization.
Line 6 goes yin
our inner being accepts moreAccepting dispersal in our inner being is the scattering of our ongoing self, the realization that this is not necessary to being.
Scattering his blood.Keeping at a distance.No error.
Blood is the life flow, the nourishing medium of our inner life which enables the separate parts to maintain themselves. To scatter this is to dissipate the established pattern of ourself or to keep it at a distance from our ability to be. It is to flow simply with the life force rather than with our own pattern of flow.